As you have now seen, I have recently made several attempts at food photography while staying at home. Those I have posted so far concern my dinners, but one must also consider the breakfasts and desserts. (My lunches, if I ever have them, remain lazy and generally unworthy of photography. Steady as she goes there.)
Anyone who has ever known me would know that I have a sweet tooth. When I was living in Moscow (which feels like forever ago), just about everyone smarted up to this pretty fast, even the building staff. If you were to ask everyone there who knew, they would readily tell you that the three photos down there are very all breakfast photos for me.
Maple Syrup Waffles. With a very North American glass of milk. Partly but decidedly not entirely because tea would simply not be quite as photogenic.
There is a lot that I miss about my time in Moscow, listing all of them may overload the Internet. We need it badly, so I’ll spare us all the massive inconvenience. What I am really craving now though, writing this, a blin. Oh dear, those were good. Teremok, do you hear me?! No. Well, like I was discussing earlier, I figured that I would try some “baking” during those times. Everyone is baking bread, I might very well be making my own crepes.
Still not sure how to best photograph eggs. Hell, I’m not even really sure that this is even close to what scrambled eggs should look like… (Yes, this is what they are supposed to be. They were delicious.)
As will become even more painfully apparent than on the previous post’s photos, I really need to work on my form a bit more when it comes to food photography. But it is difficult right to find many angles and possible compositions, especially since I lack any real macro capabilities. Cannot do close-ups. Backgrounds are a bit problematic too.
I know that they are different, but even I had to compare the eggs and the sugar cream pie photos several times just to ascertain that the serving tray was not positioned exactly the same in both photos.
(For the time being, food supply is good, so this is at least one thing that I will not be complaining about. Let’s hope it stays that way.)