Alright, so I just need to put this photo out there. It’s special to me because this is one of the very first photos I took when I traveled to Rwanda back in the autumn 2017. The subject, or at least the way I treated it, in a very ‘fake anthropological’ way. I promise I’ll do better next time ;-)
Woman carrying bananas balanced on her head. Gisenyi, Western Province of Rwanda, September 2017. Being the geek I am, I need to point out just how I took that photo less than 2 km away from the border of the Democratic Republic of the Congo which is, arguably, one of the most dangerous places on the planet (the eastern region at least). You would not be able to say that based on the peaceful image that I was a witness to just right next door in Gisenyi that morning.
The title and subject of the photo is, as can be reasonably be guessed, rather linked to my current frame of mind after so many days of wondering if it’s justifiable for me to go to the corner store for a particular errand. That gets at you… altogether holding strong, though :-)
It probably shows that I’m just itching to finally push out an album of travel photos, right? Sadly, I’m not significantly closer to that goal just yet, but it’s still very much on the horizon.