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Refers to a photographer based in Canada's capital region.

Will shoot portraits of local and visiting models, mostly in editorial fashion and nude styles.

Sometimes can be observed chasing the wandering wildlife around. Has a particular fondness for birds.

Has passport, suitcase, and camera bag… will travel, and eventually share some memories.

Contends that exploring your own surroundings merits to be experienced as a voyage of discovery.

Likes to think of himself as a b&w photographer, but loves the range of color that life has to offer.

Muses about lots of stuff, is in photo for the art, but will indulge gear discussions, or any subject that goes through his head.

Has a reputation for intellectualism and strives (more or less successfully) to indulge it in photography.

Is grateful to his Ottawa photography mentors: Mike Giovinazzo, Garry Black, Cezary Gesikowski.

Draws inspiration from other photographers, chief among which Ludwig Desmet who (without knowing) inspired my vision.

Too many muses have come and gone already in what is a young photographic journey to do justice to them in such a tribute - I will do this through the work I post here.

Finally, a big shout-out to Jared Polin / FroKnowsPhoto for the suggestion to start a personal website. Keep those awesome reviews coming!

I will keep posting site news and additions on my blog.