Multitasking & Failing

Well, just been back online for a few weeks, less than a month really, and already I’m back to being myself: trying to do everything at once and failing miserably in the meantime. Part of me tries not to judge myself not too harshly considering what I’m to; the other wishes I had more time for photography and for building this website, which is really what I want to do right now.

Distractions have been many, and not all have been pleasant. Here’s a peek at one of them… Now, some of you (you know, you, my as yet nigh non-existent audience) might know Ottawa festivals well enough, or be geeky enough to look it up, to call me out on Chamberfest being out and over and being no reason for me in being so late to get a website going.

To those I would respond the following: 1. You are not sufficiently geeky: otherwise, you would know that there are Chamberfest events throughout the year. 2. You are still correct in guessing that the photo was indeed taken at an event during the festival. However, you probably did not guess that, as I was sitting there, snapping a couple shots and sipping my beer, that I was thinking to myself that I really should be getting going on starting that website… So you see? Despite the apparent time anomaly, it was all a perfectly reasonable and legitimate form of procrastination :-)

Waiting for the start of “Rumi’s Fables” at Ottawa Chamberfest at the Nouvelle Scène Gilles Desjardins

Waiting for the start of “Rumi’s Fables” at Ottawa Chamberfest at the Nouvelle Scène Gilles Desjardins